Bread of Life Insights

Storyteller John Walsh gives background information for the Bible story taken from Matthew 15, Mark 7, and John 6.

Bread of Life

This story is the turning point in the life of Christ. It takes place the day after he fed the 5,000. The people want him to be a king who feeds them every day. Instead, he confronts them with death and total commitment. This also has the story where Jesus calls a woman a dog.

Meal and a Walk Insights

Storyteller John Walsh gives background information for the Bible story taken from Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9, and John 6.

Meal and a Walk

Jesus fed over 5,000 people with only five loaves of bread and two small fish. That same night, his disciples were caught in a storm on the Sea of Galilee. That is when they saw Jesus walked out to them on top of the water. Watch this story and see how it all fits together.

Beheading John Insights

Storyteller John Walsh gives background information for the Bible story taken from Mark 6 and Luke 9.

Beheading of John the Baptist

This story surrounds the events that led to the execution of John the Baptist. John preached that it was sin for Herod to marry his brother’s wife. The wife became angry and wanted John killed. When Herod resisted, his wife plotted to make it happen anyway.

Pool of Bethesda Insights

Storyteller John Walsh gives background information for the Bible story taken from John 5.

Pool of Bethesda

This story centers on a man who had been sick for 38 years. His only hope was a pool where it was thought an angel came occasionally. Jesus heals the man on the Sabbath, which starts another confrontation with the religious leaders.