The Great, the Rich, and the Poor

All three of these stories happen around Jericho, as Jesus was going into the city, as he was there, and as he was leaving the city. The first story was about the mother of James and John asking that Jesus honor her sons. The second story is about Zacchaeus, and the third is about blind Bartimaeus.

The Great, the Rich, and the Poor Insights

Storyteller John Walsh gives background information for the Bible story taken from Luke 19.

Raising Lazarus Insights

Storyteller John Walsh gives background information for the Bible story taken from Luke 15.

Raising Lazarus

When their brother was sick, it was natural for Mary and Martha to send for Jesus because he was a friend to their family. Jesus delays his trip and Lazarus dies. By the time the Lord gets to their home, his friend has been dead four days. This is the story of how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.

Rich Man & Lazarus

There are four stories here. The first is about the rich man and a poor man. After death, the poor man is rewarded; and rich man is condemned. The second story is about ten bridesmaids, five wise and five foolish. The third and fourth stories are illustrations about the kingdom of heaven.

Rich Man & Lazarus Insights

Storyteller John Walsh gives background information for the Bible story taken from Luke 15.

Lost Sheep, Coin, Son

The religious crowd can’t understand why Jesus would associate with common sinners. He answers their concerns with three stories. He tells about a shepherd who searches for his lost sheep, and a woman desperately looking for a lost wedding coin. The most famous is the Prodigal Son story.

Lost Sheep, Coin, Son Insights

Storyteller John Walsh gives background information for the Bible story taken from Luke 15.