Rejected in Nazareth – Insights

Storyteller John Walsh gives background information for the Bible story taken from Matthew 4:13-17, Matthew 13:54-58, Luke 4:14-32, John 4:43-54.

Rejected in Nazareth

The first part of this story deals with a royal official who wants his sick son healed. Jesus then goes back to his hometown of Nazareth. The people reject his teaching and try to kill him. He leaves the town and moves to Capernaum. The story is taken from Matthew 4:13-17, Matthew 13:54-58, Luke 4:14-32, John 4:43-54

Woman at the Well – Insights

Jesus took his disciples through the area called Samaria, which was not usual for Jews. There he talked to a Samarian woman when she went to get water from the well. This resulted in the entire village inviting Jesus to spend several days with them. The story is taken from John 4

Woman at the Well

Jesus took his disciples through the area called Samaria, which was not usual for Jews. There he talked to a Samarian woman when she went to get water from the well. This resulted in the entire village inviting Jesus to spend several days with them. The story is taken from John 4

New Birth – Insights

Storyteller John Walsh gives background information for the Bible story taken from John 2:13-23, John 3: 1-21, Numbers 21:4-9.

New Birth

The first part of this story tells about Jesus cleansing the Temple. The second part is about Jesus talking to Nicodemus and explaining to him how a person can go to heaven. This story is taken from John 3.

Water to Wine – Insights

Storyteller John Walsh gives background information for the Bible story taken from John 1:35-51, John 2:1-11.

Water to Wine

This story starts with Jesus gathering a few of his disciples. We are introduces to Peter, Andrew, Phillip, and Nathanael. They then go to a wedding in Cana, where Jesus performs his first miracle. This story is taken from John 1 & 2

What God Hath Wrought

By Training on 8/22/2009 4:37 AM
By Anne Alexander (of Taiwan)

During Taiwan Missionary Fellowship’s annual conference retreat July 13-17 John Walsh and Dr. Michael Lockett taught over 150 adults some basic story-telling skills. John taught 3 Elijah stories, as well as the one where the priests carried the Ark of the Covenant over the Jordan. He showed us how simply asking ‘What did you like best and why? What did you learn about God? What did you learn about man?’ is a great way to see the Holy Spirit work through the Word, whether told, read, acted, sung or drawn. In over 40 years in Taiwan I have never heard so much laughter, seen so much creativity, or found time to fly so fast at the TMF Conference. Response from the international missionaries was overwhelmingly positive.

In over 40 years in Taiwan I have never heard so much laughter

Immediately afterward July 20-23, in a city an hour north, the BibleTelling Workshop was warmly received, from 9am-5pm. The major difference was that most of the heads bowed over creative projects in the small groups were black, as the sessions were interpreted into Mandarin, and some of the groups presented in Taiwanese, Hakka and English as well. Many churches sent delegates to determine if the program could be used in their churches. Some pastors, evangelists and spouses attended, along with a few missionaries. In addition there were Sunday School superintendents, teachers, publishing companies and departments and the Christian press represented. What was delightful is that no one stood on ceremony or maintained formal dignified distance, but entered into the drama etc. with enthusiasm and laughter. John said it was one of the most responsive groups he could remember, and the way they entered in even the first day led him to include 11 stories total, two more than he had promised.

Baptism & Temptation

Baptism & Temptation
Mar. 1, 2014 8:00 AM
As told by storyteller John Walsh

Jesus starts his ministry by being baptized by John the Baptist. The Spirit of God then takes him into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil. The story comes from Matt 3:1-17, Matt 4:1-11, Mark 1:9-13, Luke 3:21-22, Luke 4:1-13, John 1:19-34.